Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 "Annivesaries" ?

It is nonsensical to refer to the arrival of each September 11 as an anniversary Anniversaries are for happy occasions, like wedding anniversaries. Hereafter let's designate the occasion as the 9/11 Annual Day of Remembrance. And to make the point, let's celebrate the death of OBL annually as an anniversary, a joyous occasion beyond question.

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Wednesday, September 07, 2011

DURBAN 1,2,3,.. and THE un-UNITED Nations

The Real Story Behind Durban 1,2,3… ?

We all know that the organizers of the Durban conferences have devised a platform from which to wage yet another battle in the PR War against Israel and, in turn, Jewish and Christian people. Among those who gather to discuss human rights are governments who consistently commit human rights violations, not only on Jews and Christians, but also on the women in their countries …countries the likes of like North Korea, Myanmar, Iran, Syria, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia. Their goal is to eliminate Israel from the world community; to delegitimize Israel through demonization, disproportionality, and double standards.

But is it really double standards or is it opposing definitions of human rights? Is there some other explanation for Durban that is so obvious that it has been overlooked? In Western democracies, human rights are the cornerstone of freedom and democracy and are derived from our holy book. We believe that democracy requires more than the right to vote and the rule of law. We believe that human rights requires equal standing in the eyes of the law for all citizens. But in many countries, they believe that only one class of people in that country are entitled to human rights and that all others in the country are not. Some governments define human rights based on a holy book that limits those rights only to the male “faithful”.

The ruling classes in secular totalitarian regimes limit their citizens’ rights to retain power. They have no desire to allow their citizens to hold rulers accountable. Citizens are arrested and imprisoned (or worse) for peaceful assembly, protest, and forming political parties. In short, these countries essentially treat people according to their laws, not ours. To them, abusive treatment, terrorism, and murder are not human rights violations against people who have no rights. While those in this unholy alliance (literally) have different methods, they have the same motive … to destroy democracies.

So if this analysis holds, what’s the point of democracies meeting with people who have a vastly different definition of human rights? It’s like Aristotle trying to win an argument with the town idiot. The town idiot won’t learn and it will just piss him off. Those countries can’t and won’t be talked into changing their definition or behavior, and vice versa, except for the town idiots in the media and kumbaya left. It sure seems that there can be no reconciling the difference in the definitions.

So should democracies just ignore Durban? If weren’t for the importance for western civilization to win the PR War, I’d say “yes”. Israel’s security as a Jewish state is critical. The enemies of democracy and freedom can’t confront the power of the US, so tiny Israel becomes the enemy at the tip of their spear, the canary in the coal mine. Maybe we should have a competing event to keep defining the real meaning of human rights to the abused. Let’s continue to stir up the longing for real freedom .While messy at times, the trajectory ... the Berlin Wall and the Arab Spring, with all of its uncertainties … is on our side. But millions must become active in the PR War. Freedom isn’t something we ever really have, We have to fight to get it; we have to fight to keep it. If we ever stop, it’s gone.


The UN and the UN Human Rights Commission are guilty of DISPROPORTIONATE treatment of Israel.While the UN, in concept, was an inspirational ideal, in practice, it pretends to be a democratic institution, while allowing non-democratic country members to have a DISPROPORTIONATE influence in world affairs. It is unrealistic to think that non-democratic countries can effectively participate in a global body that is founded on democratic principles. NATO won't admit non-democratic countries; neither should the UN. The US should form an international body of democratic countries and use the money we contribute to the UN for the new organization.

Democracy is more than voting and a "rule of law"; many non-democratic counties hold elections. The core principle of a democracy is equal standing for all citizens in the eyes of the law. How can we expect countries that do not include this core principle in their "constitution" to conduct themselves any differently in a global body? The DOUBLE STANDARD that is used to DEMONIZE Israel proves the point.The UN has DELEGITIMIZED itself by refusing to conduct itself consistent with this core principle and has forfeited the right to act on behalf of people in democratic countries.

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